ACF Staff: Online BUGK for Aboriginal Families

Workshop Resources

Please find below the downloadable resources for your upcoming training on 22nd and 23rd September that will be delivered by the Australian Childhood Foundation.

In line with the Australian Childhood Foundation’s commitment to conservation and sustainability, the PowerPoint and handouts are available electronically. These notes are for your reference and may not be used in their entirety.


BUGK Online for Aboriginal Families Powerpoint Handout

BUGK Online Aboriginal Families Handouts

BUGK Online for Aboriginal Families Facilitator Manual


By opening the attached ACF resources you agree to the following terms and conditions:

As a registrant of the workshop, you may print or save to a local hard disk part or all of the content of this presentation for your personal, exclusive and non-commercial use only. Any transmission, storage, redistribution or reproduction of part or all of the content in any form for any other purpose is a breach of copyright and is strictly prohibited.